
Quick Start

The quickest start is to use an exe file built for windows with mainly python3.11, streamlit1.14.0 and pyinstaller. Creating a shortcut of the exe in ../dist/OSCE_timer/OSCE_timer.exe may help us to find the exe in a shorter time.

To start the app, just click the shortcut.


Please notify the timer should be calibrated before real run.

The method of calibration is shown below.

Turn the Debug Mode to on.

Turn the Setting to calibration.

Setting other necessary parameters.

Click Set.

Click Start.

Once the timer has been calibrated, the timer can work.


To assess whether the timer is correct while a whole run. We have a Debug Mode.

Set Debug Mode to on.

Set Setting to Default.

Setting other necessary parameters.

Click Set.

Click Start.

Once the timer finishes its run, the elapsed time and standarized elapsed time will be shown in the main window.


Here we get the standarized time from [WorldtimebApi]( Therefor, for both Calibration and Assessment, internet acess is needed.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import datetime
def get_wt_time(URL = ""):
  r = requests.get(URL)
      soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser")
      time_at_now = re.findall(r'.*\"datetime\":"(.*)",\"day_of_week\"', soup.contents[0])[0]
      return(datetime.datetime.strptime(time_at_now, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z'))

Start from defined time

To start the timer from a previously defined time, we can directly to input the time to the Start time in plan cell. If the inputted time is behind the current time, after we click the Start button, we will see a clock running until the inputted time. Otherwise, the timer will start immediately.

Changing the voice of anouncement

Please directly modify the setting file named define_sound_files.txt in ../dist/OSCE_timer/.

Replace the audio file names if needed and meanwhile put those newly added files in the same folder.

Build from source

The exe file of this app was built using pyinstaller. Although other exe building software may also work, we did not check.

Flowing the [instruction of streamlit on building exe file](, we used the following commands and import all packages used in this tool.

import time
import base64
import streamlit
import requests
import datetime
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import streamlit.web.cli as stcli
import sys

if __name__ == "__main__":
  sys.argv=["streamlit", "run", "", "--global.developmentMode=false"]
(.venv) $ pyinstaller.exe --noconsole --copy-metadata streamlit --collect-data streamlit .\ --icon=favicon.ico --clean